9. Join a book club

I love reading. If I could find a way to make a living out of it, I would. I have read some terrible books (I’m looking at you F. Scott Fitzgerald), but there is nothing I love more than reading a good book, and telling everyone I know about it. I joined GoodReads a few years ago and I highly recommend it to all of my fellow readers (if you’re on there, find me! Username: pstoub). I always have a difficult time remembering book recommendations, so as soon as someone gives me a suggestion, I add it to my ‘to-read’ list. It makes my library trips (hey hey, sticking to budget!) so much more productive and I don’t get lost in the aisles of books. Plus, there’s no worry I’m going to pick up something terrible if one of my trusty GoodReaders recommended it to me (although, that does happen sometimes…)

Last time I lived in Chicago I was in a book club with my cousin and some of her friends. Since then, that club has disbanded and I was eager to find a new one. At a birthday party last October, a friend of a friend mentioned she was in a book club and I knew I had to get in it. It’s a group of about 6-8 women…some of them I know really well, and some will be new friends soon (duh). The first book we read was Bodies of Water by T. Greenwood. This group meets the 1st Monday every-other month, which is nice that I don’t have to rush through a book (and can usually read another book or two in between our get togethers). We met last Monday at Piece Brewery and Pizzeria and enjoyed catching up, getting to know each other and about a 10 minute discussion about the book (we all liked it, so there was not much to discuss). We also discussed some additional books we’d like to read, so I look forward to seeing what’s next on the to-read list.

We are the Book Clubbers.

We are the Book Clubbers (minus a few…)

One Comment on “9. Join a book club”

  1. […] scarf – also done! Not quite how I wanted it to turn out, but feeling accomplished anyway. 9. Join a book club – found a book club and really enjoyed March’s book: The Husband’s Secret. 10. Go […]

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